What Are the Different Types of Abortion?
Abortion comes in two forms: medical (also known as the “abortion pill”) or surgical.
Medical abortion is only FDA-approved if your pregnancy is 10 weeks gestation or under, while surgical abortion is typically performed later in pregnancy.
If you’re considering abortion, it’s critical to learn all you can about how abortion works and the potential risks abortion poses to your physical and mental health.
Both types of abortion terminate a pregnancy and remove it from your uterus.
A medical abortion uses two powerful drugs. The first drug, mifepristone, causes your uterine lining to shed and the pregnancy to detach. The second drug, misoprostol, causes your uterus to contract, expelling your pregnancy out through the vagina.
Surgical abortion involves dilating (opening up) your cervix so that medical instruments can enter your uterus to terminate and remove your pregnancy. Earlier in pregnancy, strong suction and scraping tools are used, while later in pregnancy, forceps are used to remove larger parts.
Both types of abortion come with potentially serious risks to your mental and physical health.
Abortion comes with risks to your mental health. According to a study that looked into the link between abortion and mental health complications, it’s clear that “at least some women do have significant mental health issues that are caused, triggered, aggravated, or complicated by their abortion experience.”
Furthermore, if you feel at all pressured into an abortion, have a preexisting mental health condition, or have conflicting moral beliefs, you are more likely to experience a mental health complication after an abortion.
Incomplete abortion is the primary risk associated with medical abortion. An incomplete abortion happens when parts of the terminated pregnancy remain in your uterus, and it can lead to a potentially life-threatening infection, prolonged bleeding, and pain.
Uterine perforation is one of the main risks of surgical abortion. This is when one of the medical instruments pokes a hole in your uterus, and it can lead to uterine scarring, which can cause painful periods and future infertility.
Getting an ultrasound is the number one way to protect your health before making any pregnancy decision. This simple scan will give you the information you need to know about your pregnancy, including your pregnancy’s gestational age, location, and viability.
At First Choice Pregnancy Services, we offer free, limited ultrasounds because we believe you deserve to have access to what you need to stay safe. Contact us today to schedule your free, confidential appointment. You’re not alone in this. We’re here for you.