Pre-Abortion Screening
You need more than symptoms and a positive pregnancy test to determine if you are actually pregnant.
You need more than symptoms and a positive pregnancy test to determine if you are actually pregnant.
Your at-home pregnancy test may have been positive, and you may feel nauseous, but that doesn’t verify your pregnancy. Even if you think you might be, you could have miscarried.
Or, you could have an ectopic pregnancy, where the pregnancy implants outside the uterus. You need to see a healthcare provider for these issues, not an abortion provider.
An ectopic pregnancy is rare but can be a very dangerous situation. See your healthcare provider immediately once it’s been diagnosed.
In her book, Miscarriage and Pregnancy Loss, Dr. Kate White says, “More than a quarter of pregnancies end in miscarriage.” Every miscarriage is different; in most early cases, it cannot be prevented. But one miscarriage doesn’t mean you are unable to get pregnant again.
Because it takes time for your hormones to return to their pre-pregnancy level, you could get a positive result on a pregnancy test even though you’ve miscarried. It can take weeks to return to a normal level depending on how far along you were in your pregnancy.
We recommend a pre-abortion screening to determine whether you have miscarried, have an ectopic pregnancy, or your pregnancy is growing with a detectable heartbeat.
If you have reached the 5th or 6th week of pregnancy and have a positive result on a pregnancy test, a full screening should reveal the pregnancy’s development and location.
At First Choice, we offer a free pre-abortion screening so you don’t have to waste your time and money on an unnecessary procedure. The following is how we conduct our free screening:
We’re here for you to protect your health and safety. Contact us to schedule your pre-abortion screening and receive the care you deserve today.